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Things that invalidate the fast a Muslims

 on Rabu, 04 Mei 2016  

Things that break the fast of Ramadan is not just eating and drinking before arriving azan maghrib. On the other hand, gossip and anger, are not considered activities that break the fast, only losing the essence and reduce the reward of fasting. So, what are deeds that make fasting invalid?
Things that cause fasting canceled:
1- Eating and drinking deliberately
The so-called eating and drinking as break the fast, is already kindness referred to eat and drink [1] entered are food substances [2] into the abdomen (stomach) and can strengthen the body (glut) [3].

Things that invalidate the fast a Muslims

2- Vomiting on purpose
"Whoever hang vomiting (vomit unintentionally) while he was in a state of fasting, then there is no making up 'for him. However, if he is vomiting (intentionally), then it is obligatory for him to pay qadha '. "[7]
Which does not break here is if the vomiting under control means in a state being forced by the body to vomit. It is as long as no vomit that back into the belly of his choice. If the latter is the case, then his fast is void. [8]

3- Finding menstruation and puerperal
"Is not the lady if menstruation does not pray and do not fast?" (HR. Bukhari no. 304 and Muslim no. 79).
Author Kifayatul Akhyar said, "There has been an excerpt of ijma '(agree ulama), fasting becomes invalid if found menstruation and childbirth. If menstruation and post-partum is found in the middle of the afternoon, to fasting. "[9]
Shaikh Al Bugho Musthofa said, "If a woman finds menstruation and post-partum, fasting is not valid. If he finds menstruation or parturition at one time of the day, to fasting. And he is obliged to make up the 'fast on that day. "[10]

4- Jima '(intercourse) intentionally
What is meant here is to enter the top testicles or partly intentionally with its own choice and in a state knows illegitimate. That included canceling here not only if it is done in the genitals, including the anal intercourse with men (anal sex) or otherwise, as in animals (known as Zoophilia). Fuck here including canceling though not out semen.
Whereas if it is done in a state of forgetting and not knowing illegitimate, then it is not canceled as when discussing the form that break the fast meal. [11]

5- Exit semen for flirting
What is meant mubasyaroh or making out here is to contact such as kissing without any veil, or can also by removing the seminal passing hand (masturbation). Meanwhile, if the exit without touching such seminal discharge because of a wet dream or because the imagination through the mind, it does not invalidate the fast.

Muhammad Al Hishni rahimahullah said, "Including canceling if issued seminal either by way unlawful as issued semen with his own hand (masturbation) or perform the way that is not forbidden as masturbation through the hands of his wife or his slave." Then he said that could be judged as canceling because central purpose of intercourse (jima ') is a discharge of semen. If jima 'fasting is forbidden and make fasting canceled out even without sperm, seminal issued like that even more could be said as canceling. Also, he added that the discharge of semen with thinking or because ihtilam (wet dream) excluding break the fast. The scholars do not dispute this point, some say as ijma '(consensus of scholars). "[12]

Things that invalidate the fast a Muslims 4.5 5 Unknown Rabu, 04 Mei 2016 Things that break the fast of Ramadan is not just eating and drinking before arriving azan maghrib. On the other hand, gossip and anger, ar...

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